05 enero 2020

In a Manner of speaking

In a Manner of speaking
I just want to say
That I could never forget the way
You told me everything
By saying nothing

In a manner of speaking
I don't understand
How love in silence becomes reprimand
But the way that i feel about you
Is beyond words
O give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
O give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me everything

In a manner of speaking
Semantics won't do
In this life that we live we only make do
And the way that we feel
Might have to be sacrified
So in a manner of speaking
I just want to say
That just like you
I should find a way
To tell you everything
By saying nothing.

O give me the words
Give me the words
That tell me nothing
O give me the words
Give me the words 
Give me the words

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